Monday, June 15, 2020

Analysis Of Robin Hood Case Study Assignment - 4400 Words

Analysis Of Robin Hood Case Study Assignment (Essay Sample) Content: Student's NameProfessor's NameCourse TitleDateRobin Hood Case AnalysisIntroductionThis case study deals with the success that Robin Hood and his colleagues who did their job in a manner that they had success within the first of establishment. Regardless of the number of new members who wanted to join them from various parts of England, Robin Hood remained focused on his mission and further concentrated on strengthening the new numbers that he was receiving. With his own observation, he saw it necessary to prepare for the increased number of increasing membership in his organization though he was satisfied with the way were in the organization. This was a way of showing the level of preparedness that Robin had towards prosperity and expansion. However, with all this level of preparedness, the organization still faces some challenges of funding. Robin is shortage of some provisions and also funds that are meant to support the activities of his band. This events do n ot discourage him from deviating from his original focus of getting materials from the rich guys and giving them to the poor in the society. Also, Robin and his colleagues have remained focused in the pursue of their long term of ensuring that Prince John is out of power by freeing King Richard who is in prison in Australia. All this determination is a sign of people who are in search of the long term success in their lives and leave a long impact in the society that they exist. It is required therefore that Robin Hood has to make sure he has formed structures that are strong within his organization to be sure of the continued prosperity and growth. Every organization success relies on the strong believes that its leaders have and their focus towards achievement and that is what Robin Hood should have (Anon, 17-60).Porters Five Forces analysis of Robin Hood's band * Rivalry among the existing groups Robin Hood's faces a stiff completion from the Sheriff forces who are also fight ing to get hold of the Sherwood Forest. The competitors are getting support from Prince John. However, with this support it means that there is a great task that Robin has to face. On the other hand Robin has the support of villagers, farmers and the towns people a factor that has made people from all over England to come and join his band so as to assist in achieving the group's objectives. With all this competition that is real in everyday situation and therefore it is necessary for robin to act. * Bargaining Power of members served The people who are using the forest are the ones that who are have interest in the forest. Because of the rivalry that Robin's band faces then it is necessary for him to take care of the good relationship that exists between the villagers and the townspeople. However, this groups have a very great influence in the way Robin makes a decision because he will have to safeguard the relationship and continue to be assisted in the forest. The merchants how ever also have the bargain on the decision and acts that are being done by Robin's band as they are the main source of revenue for the operations of the group. * Threat of new entrants- new entrants are those members who are joining Robin's band. Some may not be loyal to Robin and they may act as spies of the sheriff forces. The new entrants also may not be having the skills that are required to see the progress of the groups. This may make the group to be weak hence leading to failure. However, it is not possible that a new rivalry group may enter in the competition because already the two groups that is sheriff forces and Robin's band are the ones that are competing because of their interests are conflicting. * Bargaining power of the Suppliers- supplies are those individuals who provide Robin's band with provisions that enable Robin and colleagues to survive in the forest. The villagers are the once that assist Robin's men with food to survive in the forest as the group has grown big to be satisfied with the revenues that they collect. The merchants may be another group since it contributes to the group by being targeted as the major source of revenue. If some decisions are taken by Robin's band that may offend them they may look for alternatives to avoid coming across the group something that will lead to lose of revenue to them. This makes it necessary for the band to take decisions with a lot of care as they may lose their revenue to the sheriff forces. * Threat of Substitution- Robin's band has a very potential substitute to overtake them as there are groups like the Barons who are pursuing goals as theirs. So care needs to be taken to ensure that all decisions that are taken are those that are inclusive. In case of any alliances that maybe required then it good for robin to support them so as not to be left out.SWOT analysisExternal AnalysisAnalysis of the Opportunities that Robin Hood and His group faced; * It was easy for a fixed transit tax to be im plemented something that could stimulate the increase of revenues of the organization. * The acceptance of the invitations that had come from Barons that had asked them whether they could join them in their aim of collecting enough resources that could assist them in the release of King Richard who heard a strong heart that was compared to that of the lion. This could assist him be released from prison in Austria and return to Robin's future Amnesty. With the assistance of the Barons, the problems of provisions would reduce and ensure that the vision of the group is on run without facing the threat of failure. * If the expansion of geographical operations of the group to areas that it had not made it ways that's north, south, east and west of the Sherwood forest which was its main area of operation, it would lead to creation of new opportunities and avenues of revenue generation. * Killing of the Sheriff by the Merry Men, could lead to the ending of his reigns in Nottingham hence h aving a shortcut towards achieving one of their objectives. * Embarking on the immediate process of reducing the number of employees in the band would have led to solving of the problem of additional costs that rise out of the increase of the band size. * New and popular means of creation of revenues should be explored. This could be different from the obvious transit tax which seems to be unpopular choice and on the other hand it seems to be one that targets merchants as they travel through the Sherwood Forest hence making it a bias way of revenue collection. * The Merry Men in addition to the obvious activities that they do carry out in the forest, they could be taught on how to grow fruits and vegetables in the forest, this could help the reduce the problem of lack of the game inside the forest and lead to diversification.The threats that are facing Robin Hood's band is as follows; * It is obvious that there is a possibility of the rich merchants using alternative routes and avoi d passing through the Sherwood Forest something that can be a threat to the revenues being generated. Though it will be an additional cost to the merchants using longer routes than the obvious, it would have eliminated them the threat of their good consignments being confiscated by the Merry Men and unnecessary delays on the way. This scenario will be one that will lead to the reduction of the revenues that are being got from the merchants which may cause problems in the operation of the group (Daniel, 21). * The rate of growth of the band is uncontrollable, while on the other hand, the Sheriff forces are continually growing strong more organized something that will weaken the group if controls are not put in place. * With the constant growth of the size of Robin's band it makes it a challenge for them to conceal their way of operations within the Sherwood Forest which will make it easy for them to be attacked by the sheriff forces. * With the rapid growth of the band, then it means that the organization is exhausting the less available provisions within the forest for them. When they go out to the villages to look for provisions it is not the best option for them because as they do that there is a probability of them being seen and also their opponents may trace them back to their hiding spots in the forest which in the end may make it easy for the Sheriff's men to attack them and defeat them at the end. * With the fact that Robin does not know half of the men that he is not working with as he has admitted, then there is a probability that Prince John's spies maybe amongst those within the group something that can cause them great harm if control is not taken. * Little John is having difficulty maintaining discipline within the ranks because there are so many men now that he is in charge of overseeing. This is too difficult a task for one person which leads to the men slacking off and playing games in downtime instead of hunting for food or concentrating on t heir training. * In the event that Robin accepts the invitation by the Barons of joining in their mission, and it happens to fail, then he could have caused himself and all those men who were his followers to get the penalties of the consequences in the court of law. * In the event if transit tax gets to be implemented, Robin could lose the support that he had from the village people and also the local farmers as it will affect them directly since they used the route frequently.Internal AnalysisThe following are the strengths that Robin's band had; * There were a very team that was entailed in the management of the group which included Will Scarlett who was of intelligence matters and also scouting of the group, another person who played a great role was Little John who was in charge of discipline and also overseeing Archery training, in addition to ...

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